Faith & Finance
1 min read

Why Sustainability Matters: 2024-25 Sustainability Report
Why Sustainability Matters
The Pension Boards' 2024-25 Sustainability Report, themed "Why Sustainability Matters," centralizes on the organizations' commitment to corporate social responsibility and responsible investing by way of its journey and recent advancements in four areas: alignment; integration; impact; and engagement.
The report includes articles on new investment policies, ESG integration throughout the portfolio, actions made on behalf of our members, including stewardship and corporate engagement, and ways we report and maintain accountability.
We all agree on the mission—invest the assets held in trust for retirement wisely and prudently, while maximizing the positive impact on climate change, human rights and providing capital to empower those challenged by a lack of economic success.David A. Klassen
Chief Investment Officer at the Pension Boards
Green Bonds: One Way to Mitigate Climate Change
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